Monday, August 25, 2014

How often do I need to go to the Chiropractor?

It's a reasonable question that we hear from nearly every new practice member.  Of course we need to work our schedules around our priorities, so it makes sense that we can plan ahead and project what care looks like.  But let's take a step back and see how this question may be loaded with judgement and misunderstanding.

The blog I'm writing today was sparked by a conversation that a Chiropractic practice member was having with their co-worker.  Their version is as follows:

Co-worker -"why do you go to the chiropractor so often? Do you have a bad back?"
Me - "No, but I probably would if I didn't take steps to prevent it"
Co-worker - "Sounds like a ripoff to me"
Me - "Yes, because the counter full of prescriptions is a wise investment"

Now let's take a look at that same conversation under a different lense:
Co-worker -"why do you go to the gym so often? Do you have bad muscles?"
Me - "No, but I probably would if I didn't take steps to prevent it"
Co-worker - "Sounds like a ripoff to me"

Sounds a bit silly, but we can try that again with another healthy lifestyle choice in question and see if it has the same impact:
Co-worker -"why do you eat healthy food so often? Do you have a bad stomach/digestive tract/physique?"
Me - "No, but I probably would if I didn't take steps to prevent it"
Co-worker - "Sounds like a ripoff to me"

Much like diet and exercise, Chiropractic is a healthy lifestyle choice. By keeping your nervous system clear of interference your body starts to function at optimal levels and not only do aches and pains go away, but chronic issues tend to respond and quality of life improves.

Health by choice, not by chance!

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